Who we are image
The Mercy of God Community is an ecumenical, inclusive and non-residential community of persons who are called to follow the desire of Jesus that "may they all be one."

We consider the simple life of Francis and Clare of Assisi as our charism or model for living.

We are regular people who form a Christian community based on faith, hope and love.  We pray together no matter what our individual norm of prayer is.

Professed members live in all parts of the United States and we have associate members who live throughout the world.

We live in our own homes.  However we gather together two times a year for a retreat so that we can truly be a community.  At retreat we pray, learn, connect and have a good time together.

Our lives are based on our Rule of Life, which follows on the website.  It is a beautiful and harmonious way to live life.

We each have our own ministry, which is our service to our neighbors, both near and far.

We support our community financially, and of course pray and meditate daily.

If you feel called to be a part of us, please fill out the CONTACT US form and let us know.  We will quickly get back to you!